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CSR reporting and ownership structure: Evidence from Italian listed companies
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The paper empirically explores how firms’ Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) disclosure varies according to their ownership structure. Three different kinds of ownership structures are considered: family firms (FFs), state-owned firms (SOFs) and firms with dispersed ownership (DOFs). It is the first study examining the relationship between CSR disclosure and ownership structure, which includes in the analysis also FFs and SOFs. The analysis is provided on a sample of 192 listed firms with reference to Italy, a suitable setting for the purpose of the study due to the considerable presence of both FFs and SOFs. Firstly, a content analysis on the CSR documents disclosed by the 192 firms is provided and then data are empirically analysed to test whether the ownership structure influences a firm’s CSR disclosure. Results show that FFs and SOFs disclose less CSR information and the explanation can be found in the lower level of agency problems they have to face. The paper contributes to the stream of literature about CSR disclosure, because it argues that the contents of CSR disclosure vary according to firm’s ownership structure and also to those about FFs and SOFs because it shows that the presence of a concentrated ownership lowers the level of CSR information disclosed.
Keywords: Ownership Structure, Family Firms, State-Owned Firms, CSR Disclosure, Content Analysis
Authors’ individual contribution: Methodology – M.C.; Investigation – M.C.; Conceptualization – S.T.; Writing – Original Draft – M.C. and S.T.; Writing – Review & Editing – R.T.; Supervision – F.F.
Declaration of conflicting interests: The Authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
JEL Classification: M14, M40, L3, D19, C1
Received: 08.11.2019
Accepted: 03.04.2020
Published online: 07.04.2020
How to cite this paper: Fortuna, F., Ciaburri, M., Testarmata, S., & Tiscini, R. (2020). CSR reporting and ownership structure: Evidence from Italian listed companies. Corporate Ownership & Control, 17(3), 146-157. https://doi.org/10.22495/cocv17i3art11