Exploring factors affecting government delivery of social welfare services using a multi-method approach
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Emmanuel Eshiotse , Abanbeshie Jeremiah
, Bisong Daniel Bisong
, Nnana Okoi Ofem
, Francis Abul Uyang
, Godfrey Ekene Odinka
, Pius Otu Abang
, Veronica Akwenabuaye Undelikwo
, Bukie Fidelis Bukie
, Nwosu Uchechukwu Wilson
, John Thompson Okpa
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The reality is that social welfare services in Nigeria exclude more people than they cover, resulting in the deprivation of basic human needs such as water, sanitation, shelter, healthcare, and education that have hindered the betterment of the living conditions of the citizens (Nkpoyen et al., 2021; Okpa, 2022). This study explored factors affecting the government delivery of social welfare services in Nigeria. Five hundred and seventy (570) respondents’ opinions were purposively sampled using the 36-item Social Welfare Service Delivery Questionnaire (SWSDQ) and an in-depth interview guide. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics, Chi-square statistical technique, and Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software, version 20. As a supplement to the quantitative data, the qualitative data were analysed in themes. Findings from this study revealed that although all the respondents reported knowing about available social welfare services, 44.3% reported not accessing the existing social services because of such factors as political expediency, transparency, accountability, corruption, and perception of social service providers. A key policy issue, therefore, is the need to look into the eradication or mitigation of these factors ascribed to be hindering the delivery of social welfare services. This will expedite the blanket spread of the delivery, accessibility, and utilisation of social welfare services for residents, not just in the study area but across the country.
Keywords: Exploring, Government, Delivery, Social Welfare Services, Socio-Economic, Development, Multi-Method Approach, Nigeria
Authors’ individual contribution: Conceptualisation — J.T.O., V.A.U., E.E., and A.J.; Methodology — V.A.U. and P.O.A.; Investigation — N.U.W., B.F.B., and F.A.U.; Resources — B.D.B. and G.E.O.; Writing — Original Draft — J.T.O., V.A.U., E.E., and A.J.; Writing — Review & Editing — J.T.O., N.U.M., V.A.U., and P.O.A.; Funding Acquisition — B.D.B., G.E.O., N.O.O., and A.J.
Declaration of conflicting interests: The Authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
JEL Classification: R5, H51, H52, H53, H75
Received: 15.06.2022
Accepted: 14.03.2023
Published online: 16.03.2023
How to cite this paper: Eshiotse, E., Wilson, N. U., Bukie, B. F., Undelikwo, V. A., Abang, P. O., Odinka, G. E., Uyang, F. A., Ofem, N. O., Bisong, B. D., Jeremiah, A., & Okpa, J. T. (2023). Exploring factors affecting government delivery of social welfare services using a multi-method approach. Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior Review, 7(2), 26–37. https://doi.org/10.22495/cgobrv7i2p3