Job satisfaction level of education employees
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This paper aims to determine the levels of job satisfaction of teachers. The paper also aims to identify the differences between the levels of job satisfaction of teachers according to gender, level of education, type of school, work experience, and the level at which teachers teach. A descriptive-research method was selected for the realization of the work from the quantitative approach. The questionnaire was completed by 217 teachers who teach in public and private schools. The findings of this paper show us that the teachers have a mean on the border of the mean level of satisfaction and a high level of job satisfaction. Female teachers have higher levels of job satisfaction compared to male teachers, also teachers who teach in private schools have been found to be more satisfied at work than public school teachers. In addition, teachers who have up to ten years of work experience have higher levels of satisfaction in their work compared to teachers who have more years of experience. On the other hand, teachers who teach at the preschool and primary levels are more satisfied with their work than the teachers who teach at the higher levels. Meanwhile, no significant difference was found in the level of job satisfaction between teachers who have completed the bachelor’s level of education, and those who have completed the master’s level of education.
Keywords: Job Satisfaction, Teachers, Public, Private
Authors’ individual contribution: Conceptualization — F.M., J.S., and R.F.E.; Methodology — F.M. and J.S.; Software — F.M.; Formal Analysis — F.M. and J.S.; Resources — J.S. and R.F.E.; Writing — Original Draft — F.M., J.S., and R.F.E.; Writing — Review & Editing — F.M. and J.S.; Visualization — F.M., J.S., and R.F.E.; Funding Acquisition — F.M., J.S., and R.F.E.
Declaration of conflicting interests: The Authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
JEL Classification: A2, L2, L8
Received: 20.01.2023
Accepted: 31.03.2023
Published online: 04.04.2023
How to cite this paper: Mehmeti, F., Spahi, J., & Elgün, R. F. (2023). Job satisfaction level of education employees. Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior Review, 7(2), 158–167. https://doi.org/10.22495/cgobrv7i2p14