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The aim of this research is to investigate the relationship between ownership structures and turnaround processes in the Italian context. In fact, with the exception of the analysis of individual business cases - relating to incidents of fraud, bankruptcy and failure to rehabilitate the business, it does not seem to have been made, at the time, specific theoretical and empirical studies on the relationship between ownership structure and processes turnaround / crisis in Italian listed companies, in which the reference model is the family business, even in large companies. This research does not extend the results obtained from studies conducted in different contexts outright to Italian companies, but considers the peculiarities of the Italian model of corporate governance, characterized by concentrated ownership structure, by the low proportion of banks and institutional investors and the conflict of interests between shareholders control and minority shareholders.
Keywords: Ownership Structure, Ownership Concentration, Institutional Investors, Turnaround Processes, Listed Company, Italy
How to cite this paper: Grimaldi, F. (2016). Ownership structure and turnaround processes: Evidences from Italian listed companies. Corporate Ownership & Control, 14(1), 117-127. https://doi.org/10.22495/cocv14i1p11