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Cristian Carini ORCID logo, Elisa Chiaf


This paper is based on the consideration that information transparency and accountability are not only related to the increase of spread information but also to the improvement of the organizational clarity with which the information is conveyed through the periodic reports. The development of an effective communicative behaviour is linked to a good use of the periodical reports – the narrative section of the annual report and social, environmental and sustainability reports – with reference to their adequate completeness and integration. Empirical research emphasizes the importance of information increase, e.g. information on products, processes, strategies, risks, social-environmental impacts, intangibles assets, and so on. As to this, in the last years focused reports on specific subjects have increasingly been made public: in this, social, environmental and sustainability reports (SES) have played a very important role. At the same time, content of the annual report has been extended by the introduction of disclosure about social and environmental issues. In such a context, scarce attention was paid to the different reports’ integration and to the possibility that there could be information repetition. More disclosure could be positive for the reduction of information asymmetry but lack of integration of reports and information redundancy could reduce transparency, without being useful for the readers’ knowledge. By means of a disclosure-scoring system, the aim of this paper is the analysis of the relationship between the content of the annual reports and of the SES reports. To quantify the degree of reports’ completeness and integration a disclosure index has been established. Reports of year 2014 have been analysed. To better understand the companies’ communicative behaviour a specific industry is selected. Extractive petroleum companies are analysed because of their relevant environmental and social impact. In addition to this, previous researches demonstrate that petroleum companies have transparent communication behaviour. Finally, there are specific guidelines for their SES reports’ drafting. The analysis will allow the identification of some communication models and will provide possible response in order to combine the need for more information with the communication tools’ integration. This study could also be a first response to evaluate the potentialities and criticalities of the adoption of the integrated reporting.

Keywords: Information Transparency, Communicative Behavior, Accountability

How to cite this paper: Carini, C., Chiaf, E. (2015). The relationship between annual and sustainability, environmental and social reports. Corporate Ownership & Control, 13(1-9), 979-993.