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The US university governance: Challenges and opportunities for the board of directors
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This study investigated the differences between the distribution of international and non-international students across majors at a southern private American university located in the southeast United States as well as issues related to decisions and selection of majors by these two groups and the implications of those decisions on the U.S. educational system. For this purpose, a database that included 3001 full-time undergraduates at this southern American university was used. Chi-square tests and logit regressions were used to analyze the data. The results of the study showed that there was a major difference between international and non-international students regarding the selection of majors. International students were less likely to be in a major that requires certification as a condition of employment in the United States. This study can help U.S. colleges and universities understand the needs of both American and international students and their patterns of enrollment at the undergraduate level. An improved understanding of the students’ patterns of enrollment will help American colleges and universities, educational leaders, educational board members, and policymakers, to better allocate their human, financial, and physical resources in order to meet students’ needs. If we consider the income from foreign students as international trade, education can be regarded as a major export with great potential for growth. This article examines some of the factors which may affect the attractiveness that American education holds for international students. It is one of the first research studies to explore the fields of study by international and non-international students.
Keywords: Educational Governance, Board Members, Economics of Education, Business of Education, Majors of Study, Educational Export, International Education, U.S. Educational System, U.S. Economy
Authors’ individual contribution: Conceptualization – J.A.; Literature Review – H.I., G.D.A., and J.A.; Methodology – J.A.; Data curation – J.A.; Writing – Original Draft – H.I., J.A., and G.D.A.; Writing – Review & Editing – H.I., G.D.A., and J.A.; Formal Analysis – J.A.
Declaration of conflicting interests: The Authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
JEL Classification: I23, I24, I25, I26, I28
Received: 16.01.2020
Accepted: 11.05.2020
Published online: 13.05.2020
How to cite this paper: Armache, J., Ismail, H., & Armache, G. D. (2020). The US university governance: Challenges and opportunities for the board of directors. Corporate Ownership & Control, 17(4), 51-59. https://doi.org/10.22495/cocv17i4art4