New issue of the Corporate Ownership and Control journal

The editorial team of Virtus Interpress is delighted to release a new issue (volume 18, issue 2) of the Corporate Ownership and Control journal. The issue is represented by papers of scholars from different countries of the world, among others from the USA, Germany, Italy, Australia, Switzerland, Greece, the UK, Kuwait, Indonesia, Jordan, etc.

The papers in this issue are focused on such topics, as corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, mergers and acquisitions, information asymmetry, tax avoidance, boards of directors, firm performance, monetary policy, liquidity, whistleblowing, earnings management, ownership structure, accounting, auditing, risk management, family firms, managerial conflicts, investor protection, integrated reporting, sustainability, environmental disclosure, financial markets, stock markets, cash flow, short-run performance, initial public offerings, debt financing, etc.

The full issue of the journal is available at the following link.

This issue starts with the article authored by Fang Chen, Jian Huang, Minghui Ma, and Han Yu that examines the wealth effect of mergers and acquisitions deals advised by in-house advisors versus outside advisors. The results highlight that advisors add value by overcoming the information asymmetries between acquirers and targets.

A review paper by Jost Kovermann and Patrick Velte evaluates the empirical-quantitative results with regard to the corporate social responsibility–tax avoidance link and vice versa and focuses on a very important issue: CSR and the firm’s tax practices.

Mejbel Al-Saidi studies the impact of the new rules on corporate governance in Kuwait. The study underlines the impact of board of directors on firm performance following the implementation of these rules using a sample of 89 non-financial listed firms from 2017 to 2019.

Shyam Bhati, Anura De Zoysa, and Wisuttorn Jitaree analyse the determinants of liquidity management of private and public sector banks in India on a comparative basis in order to assess the effectiveness of liquidity management policies for each type of Indian banks.

Sandra Scherbarth and Stefan Behringer through a review of literature, undertake research on the whistleblowing system as internal company instruments for prevention and detection of compliance violations

Nitai Chandra Debnath, Suman Paul Chowdhury, and Safaeduzzaman Khan observe the association amid ownership structure and real earnings management in Bangladesh and find that inside and foreign ownership is inversely related to real earnings management, whereas institutional ownership is positively related to real earnings management.

Annisa A. Lahjie, Riccardo Natoli, and Segu Zuhair investigate the impact of corporate governance on corporate social responsibility of Indonesian listed firms and find that a lack of corporate governance in monitoring and supervisor mechanisms can significantly contribute to low levels of CSR.

Fabio Franzoi, Mark Mietzner, and Franziska Thelemann explore the influence of family ownership and family board involvement on earnings management in German-listed firms, employing a sample of 278 firms from 2000-2013.

Amjad Toukan deals with the question of the decision to go public under the issuance of both debt and equity financing and empahzises the importance of the equity and debt firms’ structure.

Lorenzo Gelmini and Paola Vola approach to assess actions carried out by business organizations with reference to environment preservation. The paper contributes to the academic discussion on the role of integrated reporting with a focus on natural capital.

Petros Kalantonis, Sotiria Schoina, and Christos Kallandranis focus on the characteristics of the board of directors that affect earnings management on the basis of a sample of listed firms in the Athens Stock Exchange during the period from 2008 to 2016.

Anurag Agnihotri and Shagun Arora perform an analysis of the determinants of asymmetric exchange rate exposure in emerging market firms and find that the exposition to the currency fluctuations differs depending on the sector in which the firm operates.

Faten Nasfi Salem compares the study of Ohlson and cash flow discounting models in the prediction of the stock price in the Tunisian stock market with the aim to test the performance of the dualistic evaluation model and to show the importance of accounting information.

Areej Aftab Siddiqui and Parul Singh in their paper attempt to examine the determinants and impact of export propensity and export intensity for firm-level performance in India.

Marc Eulerich presents the new three lines model that in the last decades represents the most important model in defining the structure of governance functions and critically discusses the similarities and differences to the existing model.

Finally, Lutfa Tilat Ferdous, Niroshani Parahara Withanalage, and Abyan Amirah Qamaruz Zaman investigate the short-run performance of initial public offerings in Australia and conclude that total market return indicates an initial public offerings underpricing phenomenon whereas secondary market shows an overpricing scenario.

We hope that you will enjoy reading this issue and will appreciate the uniqueness from the point of view of the geography of the studies.