
New issue of the Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets & Institutions journal

6 May 2020

The editorial team of the Publishing House “Virtus Interpress” is glad to announce that the first issue of the journal Risk Governance and Control: (...)read more

Virtus Scholar Platform monthly statistics

5 May 2020

The editorial team of Virtus Interpress is glad to present the report on the main indicators of our Virtus Scholar Statistics Platform. This (...)read more

CGSR Call for papers: Special COVID-issue

4 May 2020

We would like to draw the attention of the experts in corporate governance and sustainability that international peer-reviewed journal Corporate (...)read more

New issue of the Corporate Ownership and Control journal

30 April 2020

The editorial team of Virtus Interpress presents the new issue (volume 17, issue 3) of the journal Corporate Ownership and Control represented by (...)read more

New issue of the Journal of Governance and Regulation

27 April 2020

The editorial team of Virtus Interpress is pleased to present the first issue (volume 9, issue 1) of the Journal of Governance & Regulation (...)read more

Recently published papers in journals by Virtus Interpress

21 April 2020

The editorial team of Virtus Interpress has prepared the list of recently published papers. The new articles were published in the journals (...)read more

Book review: “Challenges and opportunities in Italian corporate governance”

13 April 2020

In 2019 publishing house "Virtus Interpress" introduced a book focused on the peculiarities of the national approaches to corporate governance in (...)read more

Recently published papers in journals by Virtus Interpress

7 April 2020

The editorial team of Virtus Interpress is delighted to share the list of recently published papers. The new articles were published in the (...)read more

Book review: “Corporate governance in emerging economies: Theory and practice”

6 April 2020

In 2018 publishing house "Virtus Interpress" introduced a book focused on the peculiarities of the national approaches to corporate governance in (...)read more

Virtus Scholar Platform monthly statistics

2 April 2020

The editorial team of Virtus Interpress has prepared the report on the main indicators of our Virtus Scholar Statistics Platform. This platform (...)read more

50 most cited corporate governance papers

25 March 2020

The editorial team of Virtus Interpress is happy to present the updated top 50 most cited papers published in Corporate Ownership and Control (...)read more

New feedback from the authors

23 March 2020

Publishing House “Virtus Interpress” continues to implement its transparency policy in terms of communication with the key stakeholders – authors. (...)read more

Recently published papers in journals by Virtus Interpress

20 March 2020

The editorial team of Virtus Interpress is glad to present the list of recently published papers. The new articles were published in the journals (...)read more

A collection of empirical and research papers on corporate governance in the UK (UPDATED March 18, 2020)

18 March 2020

The editorial team of the publishing house “Virtus Interpress” has prepared the list of empirical and research papers published in Corporate (...)read more

Editorial Board member profile: Prof. Arad Reisberg (the UK)

16 March 2020

The editorial team of Virtus Interpress is pleased to introduce one of the editorial board members of the journal Corporate Ownership and (...)read more

New feedback from the authors

12 March 2020

Publishing House “Virtus Interpress” continues to implement its transparency policy in terms of communication with the key stakeholders – authors. (...)read more

A collection of empirical and research papers on Islamic governance (UPDATED March 10, 2020)

10 March 2020

The editorial team of the publishing house “Virtus Interpress” has prepared the list of empirical and research papers published in Corporate (...)read more

Recently published papers in journals by Virtus Interpress

4 March 2020

The editorial team of Virtus Interpress would like to present the list of recently published papers. The new articles were published in the (...)read more

Virtus Scholar Platform monthly statistics

2 March 2020

The editorial team of Virtus Interpress is glad to present the report on the main indicators of our Virtus Scholar Statistics Platform. This (...)read more

New issue of the Corporate Ownership and Control journal

27 February 2020

We are glad to introduce you the new issue (volume 17, issue 2) of the journal Corporate Ownership and Control represented by the scholars from (...)read more