
Editorial contribution: Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets & Institutions

7 May 2019

The editorial team of Virtus Interpress is pleased to award the certificates for contribution to Editorial notes published in “Risk Governance and (...)read more

Virtus Interpress books available for order

6 May 2019

The editorial team of Virtus Interpress is happy to present 6 books available for order:read more

Virtus Scholar Platform monthly statistics

2 May 2019

We are pleased to introduce the report on the main indicators our Virtus Scholar Statistics Platform. This platform provides the key statistical (...)read more

New issue of the Corporate Governance and Sustainability Review journal

26 April 2019

We are pleased to present the first issue of the journal “Corporate Governance and Sustainability Review” in 2019. It is devoted to the issues of (...)read more


23 April 2019

The editorial team of Virtus Interpress is pleased to award the certificates for contribution to Editorial notes published in the journal (...)read more

An updated collection of research papers on corporate governance and audit

16 April 2019

We would like to remind experts in the fields of corporate governance and audit that international peer-reviewed Journal of Governance and (...)read more

International Conference in Naples (October 3-4, 2019)

15 April 2019

We are delighted to announce that this autumn Virtus Global Center for Corporate Governance together with The University of Naples “Parthenope” (...)read more

Recently published papers in journals by Virtus Interpress

9 April 2019

We would like to present the list of recently published papers. The new articles were published in Corporate Ownership & Control journal, (...)read more

Upcoming Book Announcement - Corporate Ownership and Control: International trends

8 April 2019

In February 2018, Virtus Interpress initiated a new project about writing a book "Corporate Ownership and Control: International (...)read more

New issue of the Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition journal

4 April 2019

We are pleased to present the first issue of the journal “Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition” in 2019. It is devoted to the issues of (...)read more

Virtus Scholar Platform monthly statistics

1 April 2019

We would like to introduce the report on the main indicators our Virtus Scholar Statistics Platform. This platform provides the key statistical (...)read more

Journal of Governance and Regulation: Volume 8, Issue 1 has been published

28 March 2019

We are pleased to present the first issue of the Journal in 2019. The current issue of the Journal of Governance and Regulation focuses on some (...)read more

Most cited papers published in Corporate Ownership and Control Journal: Updated

26 March 2019

Dear colleagues – members of Virtus international scholar network! The editorial team of Virtus Interpress is grateful to you as members of our (...)read more

Recently published papers in journals by Virtus Interpress

21 March 2019

The editorial team of publishing house “Virtus Interpress” has prepared the list of recently published papers. The new articles were published in (...)read more

New issue of the Corporate Ownership and Control journal

20 March 2019

The recent issue (Volume 16, issue 2) of the journal “Corporate Ownership and Control” is devoted to the subjects related to the corporate (...)read more

Virtus Interpress launches e-books

19 March 2019

The editorial team of Virtus Interpress is delighted to present first six e-books available for more

New issue of risk governance and control: Financial markets & institutions journal

18 March 2019

The recent (Volume 9, issue 1) issue of Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets & Institutions journal deals with the topics of (...)read more


15 March 2019

We are glad to present the report from our International conference "CORPORATE GOVERNANCE: SEARCH FOR THE ADVANCED PRACTICES” that took place in (...)read more

Conference in Rome: keynote presentations

12 March 2019

We are glad to publish keynote presentations from the International conference “CORPORATE GOVERNANCE: SEARCH FOR THE ADVANCED PRACTICES” that took (...)read more

A release of corporate governance conference proceedings

6 March 2019

We would like to present the conference proceedings titled “Corporate governance: Search for the advanced practices”.read more