A set of updated thematic paper collections from Virtus Interpress

The team of the publishing house Virtus Interpress has just updated thematic collections of papers published in our journals recently. The collections cover various topics within finance, corporate governance, financial regulation and risk management.

We’ve decided to gather links to all collections in one place so that they can be easily found and accessed:

Corporate Ownership and Control Journal

- Earnings Management here
- Corporate Social Responsibility here
- Ownership Structure here
- Executive Compensation here
- Mergers and Acquisitions here
- Corporate Governance in Germany here
- Corporate (Firm) Performance here
- Shareholder Activism here
- Family Ownership here
- Corporate Governance in the UK here
- Islamic Governance here
- Dividend Policy here
- Corporate Governance in Greece here
- Risk Management here
- Financial Reporting here
- Corporate Governance in Financial Companies (Banks) here
- Independent Directors’ Performance here
- Board of Directors here
- Corporate Sustainability here
- Business Ethics here
- Audit and Accounting here
- Corporate Governance & Fraud here
- Corporate Governance & Taxation here
- Corporate Law here
- Corporate Governance in Italy here
- Corporate Governance and Stock Market here
- Corporate Governance in Australia and New Zealand here
- Board Diversity here
- Chief Executive Officer (CEO) practice here
- Corporate Governance in the USA here
- Capital Structure here
- Corporate Governance in the State-Owned Enterprises here

Corporate Board: role, duties and composition

- Gender Diversity here
- Directors’ Remuneration and Compensation here
- Board Committees here
- CEO’s Efficiency here
- Independent (non-executive) directors here
- Board size and composition here
- Board of directors and firm performance here
- Most cited papers in the journal here

Journal of Governance and Regulation

- Corporate Governance and Audit here
- Governance and Regulation in Banks here
- Financial Crises in Different Markets here
- CSR and Business Ethics here
- Corporate Governance and Firm Performance here
- Governance and Regulation in the MENA Region here
- Board of Directors Practices and Regulation here
- Disclosure and Reporting here
- Education Industry: Regulation and Governance here
- Most cited papers in the journal here

Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets & Institutions

- Risk Management Issues in Firms and Banks here
- Risk Governance in Banks here
- Insurance Issues here
- Investments Issues here
- Accounting and Audit here
- Stock Market Issues and Risks here
- Most cited papers in the journal here

Corporate Governance and Sustainability Review

- Corporate Governance and Sustainability of Banks here
- Board of Directors’ Practices here
- Firm Performance here

Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior Review

- Corporate Social Responsibility and Organizational Behavior here
- Organizational Leadership here
- Board of Directors here

Corporate & Business Strategy Review

- Business Strategies for Banks here
- Firm Performance here
- Business Strategy and Sustainability here
- Business Strategy and Taxation here
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Strategy here
- University Strategy and Higher Educationy here
- Strategic Management here
- Business Strategy and Innovation here

Corporate Law & Governance Review

- Law, Governance, and Accountability here
- Corporate Governance here

Scholarly Papers Published in Virtus Interpress Hybrid Journals

- The collection of scholarly papers published in Virtus Interpress hybrid journals is available here

You can save this page in the bookmarks because future collections will be added here and you will have easy and comfortable access to them.